Sunday, December 10, 2017

me and my drum.

I've been learning a lot about myself and my God a lot recently. These are things that I am so willing to share with people through phone calls or face-to-face conversations but I've always had a hard time writing things down, but I think that looking back and being able to read things that I wrote down whilst in the midst of my learning is going to be so important for me for the rest of my life. I want to get into the habit of writing them down for that reason. I don't know why it's always been so difficult for me to put words on paper- or in this case type them up- but I think it is something that I want to work on.
So, here goes nothing!! Here's a glimpse into my thoughts-

During worship at church today the band sang Little Drummer Boy. I have heard the song every Christmas for as long as I can remember, but it has never hit me as hard as it did today. Who thought a Christmas song besides "Christmas Shoes" would ever made me cry like this one did??

"I played my drum for You. I played my best for You."

"I played my best for you", this poor, dummer boy was not asking God for a new drum, he was not asking God for a new instrument, he was not asking God for anything. He didn't think because he didn't have an entire orchestra that he won't be good enough for God. He didn't think because it was just one drum that he wasn't able to play it. He just knew, in humility, that he was going to play the best that he could.

How many times do I, instead of using what I have, begin to ask God for something different? I may ask Him to take away the things that he's already given me to replace them with what I deem to be "better". How dare I begin to compare instruments? A drum is not a guitar. A hand is not a foot. And an eye is not a nose... but they are all equally important to the body of Christ. But I begin to put categories of importance on these things!! Who am I to say!?

Romans 12:4-5
For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

The body of Christ would be no good if everyone was a hand. (Most) bands would be no good if it was compossed of only drums.
I don't want to ask God for "better things", I want to ask God to give me the determination to do the best I can with the things he has already given me. With the old drum that I already have. I want to play the best that I can for God.

I want Him to smile at me, me and my drum.

anna lynn.

hey! what's up? hello.

i'm new here...

hey!! i'm anna lynn. 
lover of pink skies (at night). fresh fruit smoothies. belly laughs. glitter, good music. genuine people. and my savior Jesus Christ.

this blog will be a synthesis of some of my random late night thoughts (as the inspiration comes), things i'm currently learning, reminders to myself of Gods daily goodness and just being real.

i'll be checking back in here soon!!
hope you decide to stick around.

-yours dearly 
anna lynn.
(p.s. lowercase letters for aesthetic purposes only. sorry)